Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 3 2018

Our lives has been pretty much dependant on the use of electricity.

Right from the need of light to even the need of entertainment, we will need enough power

supply to run them whenever the needs come every day.

Do we always have to depend on the main power?

No, there are power generators to use too.

Smart Power For All is what you need.

Click the link in the description below this video for details.

Yes, we actually need power generators in our daily lives because more you use electric-based

household tools at home, the higher the price you will have to pay.

If it is like this, we can�t expect to be able to save much money for other life needs.

Not to mention, there is always possibility for the main power to fail.

However, it is not like there is no alternative to resort to while the power goes out like


What we can do to counter such thing would be to use power generator.

As the name suggests, this is the kind of devices that can generate power for you.

If you don�t want to risk the life of your family within the darkness, you�ve got to

consider using power generator to use whenever you need it.

It would surely be a lifesaver for you.

Why not consider choosing Smart Power For All: Smart Solar Box?

There are many generating devices that can�t be trusted and are not reliable enough to

even consider after all.

We need something easy and handy to use, really cuts down the electric bill, and is priced

at affordable price.

While it might sound like too much demand to ask from such device, there is actually

power generating device that can grant such wish for you.

Yes, it is none other than the Smart box.

With the Solar Box of Smart Power 4 All, you can save money even though you keep the electricity

on and has it gone throughout your home.

It is not one coming as a ready to use device though.

Instead, it teaches you how to make one.

Still, there are many nice things coming from it making the device yourself.

In itself, it makes great experience that would not bother you with annoying stuff.

The Smart Power Box is actually a simple and easy to follow plan tutorial.

The plan taught to you will show you the way to make a device that can generate power.

All you need to do to make one is to use few parts and tools that you can easily find in

hardware stores.

Have the parts ready and you will be ready to make the device following the instruction

you get from the plan tutorial.

Once it is done, you can place it anywhere you want.

You will be surprised at how small the device can be.

It is so compact that you can even take it around with you.

The use of this Smart power device will help you cut the electric bill by up to 68% too.

This is one accomplishment that you can�t find in just any power generator.

You can absolutely be thriftier with this device here.

Considering how easy it is to make it and how handy it is to use it, there is nothing

more to ask for.

Click the link in the description below this video for details.

For more infomation >> Does The Smart Solar Box Work-Digital Ebook & Video Guides Smart Solar Box-Smartpower4all Org Review - Duration: 2:05.


TECH Talks - Suskind – Nucleus® Smart App Hearing Tracker - Duration: 3:14.

- I'm Dana Suskind, Professor of Surgery

at the University of Chicago.

And I am the Director

of both the pediatric cochlear implant program

and the translational research program

called the Thirty Million Words initiative.

You may ask why exactly is a cochlear implant surgeon

running a program called Thirty Millions Words?

So probably about 10 years ago,

I started the cochlear implant program

at the University of Chicago.

And I started implanting wonderful little kids

who all looked like they had the same potentials

for learning how to talk and learning how to learn.

But I soon noticed an unsettling difference

among them after implantation.

So some of them would be talking and learning

on par with their hearing peers and others, same time out,

were having much more difficulty in communicating.

And it was a really difficult thing to see.

And it was what really sort of pushed me

out of the operating room to try to figure out

why this was and what I could do about it,

most importantly, for my patients.

And it was in this sort of exploration

that I came about this very famous study

by researchers Betty Hart and Todd Risley.

And what they found was that those children

who didn't do as well academically

will have heard 30 million fewer words than other children.

And just this difference in how much children were hearing

in the early years predicted

not only the children's vocabulary development,

but importantly, their test scores in the third grade.

And the reason this study was so important

is that it gave me insight as to why

some of my patients didn't do as well.

Access to sound through cochlear implantation

or hearing aids is so critically important.

But of course, that in itself is not enough, right?

We need, once a child has access to sound,

to have something to listen to.

And that is why parents and caregivers

are the most powerful individuals,

the most powerful forces in a child's life.

I always say parents and caregivers

are the key architects of their children's brain development

and the key architects,

through their language and interaction,

for building their brains.

There's a saying.

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Because of the hearing tracker with the Nucleus® 7,

parents are going to have the power in their own hands

to see the language environment their children

are going to be exposed to, and then impact it.

At the end of the day, the cochlear implant

is the first step, the first step to being able to hear.

But it's the rich language environment

that a parent and caregiver provides a child

which will really allow the child

to reach his or her potential.

For more infomation >> TECH Talks - Suskind – Nucleus® Smart App Hearing Tracker - Duration: 3:14.


Merging and Staying Safe on Freeways :: Smart Sunday #44 - Duration: 44:42.

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you tonight about

lane merging onto freeways and changing lanes. A lot of the techniques are the

same for both that's what we're going to talk about tonight in the presentation

so lots of people getting their license this week if you haven't seen the map of

success already kori I'll put that up for you and we can talk about that and

celebrate all the people who have been passing their license and been

successful on doing that so that's really great

and Corey is here tonight bricks for wheels and Corey is the moderator here

and we're gonna talk about that so lots of good stuff going on here and lots of

great information for new drivers who are working towards a license and those

types of things so really exciting and yeah we're not going to spend too much

time chatting about sorry I got distracted by YouTube so zero people

watching which is unusual when there's so many people on the channel I'm

surprised there's anybody but here but anyway

carrying on soldiering forward and doing what we need to do in terms of live

stream Jenny's here hi Jenny how are you and where are you tonight Jenny that

you're getting your license so yes people will filter in here so I'm just

gonna talk a little bit one of the couple of things I've had this week I've

had a lot of stuff about Lane merging and what to do when you get on the

acceleration lane and if people won't let you over and you're not being

successful in moving over first of all you have to accelerate up to highway

speed and you have to find your gap on the freeway or highway or interstate or

motorway or wherever you're merging onto and you have to aim for that gap and you

need to adjust your speed as you're coming out on acceleration lane or

sometimes you can get a start accelerating when you're still on the

on-ramp but then out onto the acceleration Lane

and get yourself going and you have to adjust your speed so you can get out

there as well it's kind of a team effort because the people on the freeway the

highway they also need to be moving over they need to be adjusting their speed

because if they're in that inside lane on the right-hand lane for those of you

driving on the right if you're on the left-hand Lane if you're in the left

on the highway or freeway or motorway then you need to start looking where the

cars are coming on and they're merging because you know you can be right or you

can be dead right you know because I've had lots of people say to me oh well it

was my fault and I had the right-of-way well yeah if you get into a crash

there's gonna be significant consequences about that crash so for you

know just letting off the throttle or moving over to the other Lane is really

gonna help people out and keep people safe and keep them from being involved

in a crash so Carson is here Carson passed his road

test that's really great Carson where did you where were you

successful in passing your road test there Sylvan awesome so sorry you hear

about your unsuccessful attempt there Sylvan but with a little more practice

we're confident that you're gonna get it the next time so that's really great all

right so we're just gonna head over to the presentation here real quick

PowerPoint presentation and we'll go over that information here just shortly

so just bear with me while I move over to the PowerPoint presentation there we

go get rid of that get rid of that here we go okay so merging on the highways or

freeways and talking about that and some of the things that you should do because

this is a fairly daunting thing for new drivers it's kind of like doing a hockey

stop when you start ice skating it's one of those things that you just sort of

got to do but we're gonna break it down and give you the techniques and skills

that you need to do now one other thing is is that a can answer comments while

I'm doing the presentation because I need another screen here and we're

working on that other screen and once I get that I can answer comments while

we're doing the presentation but right now I can't do that so down to the next

slide here for those of you who are new to smart drive test I'm Rick August I

was a truck driver through most of the 1990s running over the road and I

delivered for the most part LTL Freight what they call LTL it's less than load

so essentially it's five or six drops on a truck in and out of New York City and

New Jersey and other places and whatnot in an attempt to come off the road I

became a licensed driving instructor in 1997 with a specialty in air brakes and

I'm just about up with the air brake manual for those of you working towards

a CDL license and I'm hoping to have that up for the beginning of August it's

at the graphic designer and it's going to the proofreader next week so we're

really close on getting that completed and I'm excited about that in 2000 I

went back to university finished my undergraduate degree and got accepted

into a doctorate program at the University of Melbourne in Australia and

completed a doctorate in policing and traffic and specifically policing as it

relates to traffic and that's what my PhD is in and during that time when I

went to university in Australia I also drove buses for Greyhound and beeline

which is the regional bus line there in Australia so a bit of experience driving

coaches as well as trucks so this week on Wednesday our Thursday rather I got

the video up on Tiger failure it's basically video about tires and how to

buy tires for your car and the crucial role that tires play in the handling of

your vehicle and keeping you safe and I talked to Gary Kruger here in Vernon

British Columbia at tyre land and Gary gave us some really great information

about tires and what kind of tires you should buy and some of the things that

you should consider in some of the safety factors and specifically about

tires that are more than eight year old eight years old in your vehicle can

present a danger to you so get those off your vehicle if they're more than eight

year old eight years old so you haven't seen that video definitely have a look

at that and Corey can get the link up for you there and really great

information there in that video all right so parts of the freeway when

you're accelerating on to the freeway there's the on-ramp the acceleration

lane continuity lines and then on the freeway you have slow lanes driving

lanes and fast lanes if there's more than two lanes and essentially the

on-ramp is the part of the road that transit transitions you from the highway

out on to the acceleration lane and then you get to the acceleration lane and

that's the straight part along the side of the freeway that allows you to

accelerate as well as acceleration lanes you're also going to have deceleration

lanes when you're getting off the highway or freeway and you know that

you're on the acceleration lane because for those of us that drive on the right

side of the road on the left side of your vehicle they're going

be continuity lines and you can see the continuity lines here in the image a

little bit continuity lines are half as long and twice as wide as a regular road

marking so you know that their continuity lines and if the continuity

line is on the left side of your vehicle it means that the lane that you're in is

either going to exit or it's going to end so if you're in an acceleration lane

you know that it's going to end so eventually you have to get up to speed

as you're coming out onto the on-ramp and acceleration lane you need to be

looking out on the freeway and you need to be looking for your spot and you need

to be picking your spot and you need to be aiming for that spot so that means

that you need to be adjusting the speed of your vehicle to match the flow of

traffic and to either accelerate in front of the vehicles that are already

on the freeway or you need to be slowing down a little bit

so you need a slower speed than the the traffic speed so that you can merge in

behind the vehicles out on the road whether that's what you need to be doing

and then on once you get onto the freeway if there's two lanes there's a

slow lane and there's a passing lane and you should drive in the slow lane unless

you're passing if you are in the slow lane the thing that you need to keep in

mind when you're on the freeway motorway or interstate is that you're going to be

you're going to be sharing space with merging and accelerating or decelerating

no vehicles that are getting on the freeway and vehicles that are getting

off the freeway so you need to take note of where on ramps and off ramps are

going are located as you're driving along these limited access highways if

there's more than three lanes ideally you want to drive in the center lane

that way you're not going to be impeded by this merging and this traffic that's

getting on the freeway in traffic that's getting off the freeway and then finally

if there's third lane that's gonna be your fast lane in your passing lane and

that's where you want to drive now if you're in a big truck you can't drive in

that third Lane we called it the big dollar Lane when I was driving big

trucks and all that so that the first two lanes are going to be the lanes for

trucks if you didn't know that already now driving as we know and as I said

before is a social activity and you have to give a little bit to get along and

most of us should be professional driver you're on my channel and you've heard me

talk I talk about this all there all the time you can be right or you can be dead

right and I've had a conversation with a driver a truck driver this week who was

adamant that if he was on the freeway he didn't have to move over and eventually

you know I realized that arguing with him was a little bit like wrestling I'm

a pig in mud that after a while you realized that the pig in mud just likes

to be able to wrestle with you so I just deleted his comment and left him off the

channel because there was no way he was gonna believe that he should have let

off the throttle and slowed down in order for this other vehicle to merge

onto the roadway the bottom line is is that you know you can be right and you

can really push that and yes maybe you're gonna win in a court of law but

at the bottom line is that you are risking other people's lives the

definition of a professional driver is somebody that knows that other people

are going to make mistakes on the freeway or highway and compensates for

those makes and mistakes and when they happen they back off that gives them

some space and they simply say all of that happened and they carry on with

your day and nothing really happened that is the definition of a professional

driver and all of us want to be professional drivers so I've already

talked to about this about getting onto the freeway accelerate to speed look for

your spot aim for your spot and adjust your speed as needed as you get closer

and closer to moving out on to the highway and I've had lots of smart

drivers ask me the question what happens if I get to the end of the acceleration

lane and there's no room there if you get to the end of the acceleration lane

and there's no room there you've misjudged the gap you haven't aimed for

the gap on the freeway or highway and there's lots of spaces you can see here

in this image coming down on the on-ramp and acceleration Lane you should be

looking out onto the freeway and finding your space that you're gonna aim for and

adjusting your speed the whole time that you're in the acceleration lane as

you're gaining speed to get out onto the hybrid freeway now other vehicles that

are on the highways and freeways if you're in that inside right lane you

know that you're going to be sharing space with vehicles that are coming out

onto the highway or freeway and you're going to be sharing space with vehicles

that are getting off the highway in the freeway and if you can you need to move

over into the other lane so to allow merging vehicles to get out onto the

roadway if you can't get over into the other lane as often happens

because there's other vehicles besides you then you need to simply either let

off your speed or you need to accelerate to accommodate these vehicles that are

trying to merge out onto the freeway because sometimes they're not gonna be

looking and you is the professional driver or going to make space and allow

them and help them out and oftentimes you only need to slow down three or five

miles an hour you don't really need to slow down a lot oftentimes it's just a

matter of lifting your foot off the throttle for a few moments

you're gonna slow down enough and the person's going to be accelerating so

you're gonna be slowing down and they're gonna be accelerating so there's gonna

be no conflict of space and all and this is really what defines a professional

driver going up and down highways freeways interstates and motorways

consequences of having a crash and this is really what I come down to and I had

another smart driver a couple of weeks ago asked me about that saying that most

crashes are the fault of one person and yes in the legal definition of the law

one person is at fault but if you are involved in a crash there's all kinds of

property damage oftentimes your vehicle is going to be written off this vehicle

here in this picture would definitely be written off and they're simply gonna buy

the vehicle from you and give you some money and that money may or may not

replace your vehicle that's if you're lucky enough that you're not injured or

somebody wasn't killed in the crash and as well you've got the time and energy

of being without a vehicle you've got the time and energy of getting your

vehicle fixed and how much running around and dealing with bureaucracy is

all of that gonna take so think seriously about the next time

that you think oh I've got the right-of-way and I've got to go what are

the consequences of risking other people's lives on the roadway what are

the consequences of being involved in a crash even if it's a minor fender bender

how much work are you gonna do to get your vehicle fixed and repaired even if

the other person was wrong and you get it all paid for in the end is it gonna

be worth it probably not so think seriously about that when you're merging

and Lane changing and those types of things and then eventually what you want

to do is you want to try and have freeway harmony and some of the things

that you can do to have more harmony while you're driving up and down the

freeway take a break every couple hours get out and walk around those types of

things if you're traveling with children whatnot get off the freeway get into a

playground where the kids can get out and run around you know have activities

for the children in the car and those and those types of things and whatnot

and then finally one of the safest things you can do on the freeway is

Drive in the spaces between the clusters of vehicles and you can see that here in

this image here up here is a cluster of vehicles and these vehicles back here

being safe because they're driving in between the clusters of vehicles and the

other thing about this is you want to be driving in this center lane with three

lanes of traffic that's the safest place for for passenger vehicles to be driving

obviously if you're in a big truck you can't be driving in that center lane

you're gonna be driving in the right-hand Lane but take note of where

the on ramps and off ramps are that way you're going to be able to adjust your

speed and watch out for people that are merging and who may not be merging

correctly and may conflict with your space on the roadway and you can adjust

your speed accordingly to help them out and help them get it onto the roadway

and everybody can stay safe so good luck on your road test if you got one coming

up and if you're learning how to merge good luck with that as well so we'll

just switch back over here and I didn't change the transition yeah and Corey's

probably yelling at me telling me that I didn't put the presentation up ah there

we go yeah Corey put the video up there we go yeah you can't see the

presentation I see that yep okay Tommy I love driving on the 407 in that area

usually there is not a whole lot of traffic but it's pretty expensive yeah

it is is one of those toll roads and

what it wasn't gonna say Ontarians Canadians for the most part are not used

to toll roads whereas on the eastern seaboard of the United States all people

are used to driving on the roadways hi Laura she's from New York City Jose okay

Jose so you're taking sorry um what did you say there any tips and to take my

written test yes Jose so what you want to do is you want to go online and you

want to do the online practice test when you're getting about 80 90 %

consistently on the online practice driving test that's what you want to do

is you want to then you prepared to go and do that don't read

the driver's manual cover to cover because the drivers manual is boring

because it's been written by bureaucrats so what you want to do is you want to go

and take the practice driving task questions you want to identify the gaps

in your knowledge go and look up those bits in the driving manual and then come

back and do the practice driving touch to Gwen again until you like I said

you're getting 80 or 90 percent consistently all right the will of

gaming have been trying to catch one of your live streams and three years old

and still don't have a license I'm terrified of driving and trying to work

on getting a permit to try and conquer my fears I want to thank you for your

videos and you've helped motivate me to start trying to drive that's awesome

really glad we could help out and if you have any questions or anything

what's whatnot we're certainly you know helping you get motivating those types

things and as well gaming there have a look at the fear and anxiety video that

goes into some good information about anxiety about driving and overcoming

that and you know just getting familiar with the vehicle and becoming more

comfortable with exposing yourself to being able to drive the vehicle and

those types of things

Carson do you know anything about getting a motorcycle permit with a

juniors driver's license in Pennsylvania I'm 16 soon to be 17

so Carson basically getting a motorcycle permit I believe that Pennsylvania has a

GLP program for the motorcycles and it's very similar to getting your car license

you got to go and write a permit once you raise your permit then there's

conditions that are in place for driving a motorcycle

I don't know exactly what those conditions would be for you to work

towards getting a full license but just have a look in the manual or go down to

the Department of Motor Vehicles and ask them what they are it's it's usually in

the driver's manual about the criteria that you have to fulfill in order to go

for a full motorcycles license so have a look at that as well alright okay

Oshawa tommy's in Oshawa there we go so Carson passed his road test in

Harrisburg in Pennsylvania the test went smooth as long as you pay attention

you'll be fine of course when you follow the rules yes and know that being able

to drive is very different from passing a road test passing a road test requires

a different skill set than just being able to drive a vehicle unfortunately I

had a vehicle I had a smart driver a couple weeks ago he said that she was

driving every day back and forth to work and whatnot but was unsuccessful on the

test and unfortunately she didn't take a practice driving test and didn't realize

that there were different requirements for the road test and for those of you

going for a road test there's four components for a road test speed

management observation communication and space management so speed management you

have to do the posted speed limit the flow of traffic whichever is less space

management don't get near anything don't get near other fixed objects you have to

stop in traffic so you can see the tires of the vehicle in front of you make them

clear contact with the pavement you have to stop at the correct position at stop

sign intersections before the stop line before the crosswalk line before the

sidewalk or at the edge of where the two roads meet are the places that you have

to stop in terms of space management and you have to follow other traffic at the

correct following distance which is two to three seconds under ideal conditions

and the reason that we use time is because it's relative and the faster you

go the bigger the space is between you and the other vehicles that's the reason

we use time communication you need to communicate with other vehicles and

other road users by horns lights hand gestures appropriate and gestures don't

tell other road users you're number one on a road test you won't be successful

and eye contact and the position of your vehicle on the roadway or ways they

communicate with other road users and then finally you have to be able to scan

effectively as well when you're doing your road test and when I say scan

effectively before you reverse you need to do a 360-degree scan make sure

there's you're on your vehicle you need to

shoulder check effectively 90 degrees out to the side either left or right

whichever way you're moving the vehicle you need to be able to do lane changes

you need to be able to scan effectively and have a scanning pattern in place

while you're driving and keep that scanning pattern going the whole time

that you're driving so these are some of the things that you need to do to be

successful on a road test all right Ryan how are you Ryan good evening and Laura

thank you so much for that I'm happy to hear that you're watching the videos and

learning how to drive and stay safe and Tommy I was 19 when I got my g1 I was 25

when we got g2 and I got full G at 29 it's never too late yeah that's for sure

Tommy you're absolutely right you will become more comfortable with driving as

you keep doing it best of luck yes thank you for that encouragement Tommy that's

really great really great for gaming there and you know it's the same thing

Tommy it's never too late to get your license I moved to Australia I was 35

when I went back and started going back to University when I was 35 so it's

never too late right you're gonna get your license at some time there so

that's really great okay Laura any tips on driving to New York City from South

Carolina I'm still a new driver I live in South Carolina but I'm from New York

yeah Laura one of the things that I would suggest to you is just if you're

not familiar with driving around New York City and it's it's a bit daunting

for you make sure you do your navigation and

your route planning before you head into New York City that way you know we were

you're going to be going and that's going to relieve a lot of your anxiety

because you know it's there's nothing worse than driving a new new place and

not knowing where you're going and those types of things it's a lot different

when you're taking transit or you know whatnot or walking because when you're

driving you kind of got to make split-second decisions about whether

you're going to turn left or right those types of things and for you driving into

New York City you're gonna be on the New Jersey Turnpike you're going to be on

toll roads the bridges and those sorts of things you're gonna have to pay tolls

and whatnot so have a look at that and plan out your route before you go there

and Koryo get the video for you on planning and navigation and that will

help you out when you're driving into New York Renee no you cannot use

navigator during your road test because the examiner is going to tell you

whether to go left or right and where to go and those types of things

Alan is a US driver's license valid to drive through Canada to Alaska yes it is

Alan you can use your American license to drive in Canada just about anywhere

in Canada there's lots of people who drive through Canada particularly those

coming from Detroit going to upstate New York oftentimes they'll drive across the

border into Canada and they'll drive along the 407 and then they'll go into

upstate New York it's a bit of a shortcut for them and Americans will do

the same thing you're most welcome Laura my pleasure

so yeah it's quiet tonight I didn't think the Canadian holiday would have

that much of an impact on the live stream here tonight so the live stream

is looking a little dark so just bear with me here just one second I'm just

gonna kick it off a little bit here so

there we go okay thanks for that so gaming

it did not take me too long to become comfortable in the city about a year

took me a bit longer to get used to the limited access highway

yes Tommy the limited access access highways can be a bit interesting naina

thank you so much you are awesome speaking to me that I'm awesome I really

enjoy your comments and thank you for the compliment that's really great yes

okay so Willa gaming one of the things that I suggest you in Coryell get the

video up here for you is the learning exercises in the learn to drive video

which is basically going out and get some of those 36 inch one meter tall

pylons from a rental shop and going into the parking lot and driving around a

parking lot and doing you know acceleration working with the brake

working with the steering wheel and that will make you much more comfortable when

you get out onto the roadway because if you can understand those fundamentals

once you understand those fundamentals it's going to be a lot easier to drive

when you're on the roadway because you've got some mastery of the primary

controls in the vehicle and that's really what you need to be comfortable

with is how much brake do you need to apply it

how much throttle do you need to apply how much do I need to turn the steering

wheel because some smart drivers who are working towards their license they're

asking me when they're turning how much do I turn the steering well if

you're asking me how much you how much you're turning the steering wheel I

can't give you an answer to that because different corners are going to have

different configurations and for some of them you're going to have to turn the

steering wheel more and for others you're gonna have to turn it less and

that's only something that you're going to be able to figure out when you go

into the parking lot and you start working with the vehicle in the parking

lot and that is really the key to learning how to drive because once you

have mastery of the primary controls that's really going to help you learn

how to drive so do that first and foremost and and and have a look at that

and so Corey's put the videos up there that's really great on route planning

and road trips so have a look at that Ryan doing well driver in high traffic

areas hoping you have a tip or two about judging gaps while driving

yeah Ryan there is a judging gap video here and it was something that I really

struggled with when I did do that video because judging gap is something that is

experiential and it's really something that if you can work with another driver

is going to be easier to learn because another driver will be able to mentor

you and say you know that gaps not big enough for yes that gap is big enough

one of the things that I found in time in trying to verbalize that and trying

to portray that in a video was how far is two seconds away when a vehicle is

traveling at 60 kilometres an hour or how far away is a vehicle when it three

seconds when it's drive traveling at 100 kilometers an hour and that's difficult

to convey to drivers when you're not actually there in the vehicle with them

because that's as I said an experiential thing and it's something that you should

work with another driver if you're having difficulty judging gap and you're

feeling that you don't have enough gap when you're trying to turn left or

you're trying to merge onto roadways and things like that I strongly suggest that

you'd find somebody who's got some experience with driving and just work

with them maybe you know a couple of hours go for a drive and do some turns

and do some lane merging and those types of things and that I would say would

probably be the fastest way for you to learn how to judge gap effectively when

you're driving alright Eric should you slow down on potholes during a road test

excuse me just one moment here I wouldn't aim for the potholes Eric if

and I do know that in some places they do the potholes and what they basically

say is is that you know they don't they don't fix the pothole unless a chicken

will fit in and I have heard that before I think that was in Montreal which was

pretty funny so try and drive around the potholes if you can there's a fair bit

of room in the lane but again don't go out of your lane to avoid a pothole and

as well yes if it is a fairly significant pothole I would suggest that

you slow down but again check your center mirror to make sure that the

traffic behind you is going to be coming to a stop before you actually slow down

for the purposes of you know for a pothole all those types of things

because it's going to be a nun pretty unpredictable action

because the the traffic behind you or the driver behind you is not going to

know why you're slowing down so know that for the purposes of your road test

and whatnot okay you're most welcome gaming my pleasure

so I already mentioned to you that yes I'm working on the air brakes explained

simply for those of you going for a CDL license and it's at the graphic designer

we're just finishing that part up and then it's going to go to the proofreader

and air brakes explained simply is going to be an electronic it's going to be an

e-book and it's going to be available on Amazon and iBooks so my hoping for that

book is is that people will be able to use it on their iPads read it on their

iPads and go through it because it has step-by-step instructions on how to do

pre-trip inspections it also has step-by-step instructions and exactly

the words that you need to say for the purposes of a pre-trip inspection on

both a bus or a truck on our V unit or tractor-trailer unit as well it has a

hundred multiple-choice questions in it so it's exact information that you need

to be successful and pass your CDL air brakes for the purposes of getting a

commercial license and that's as I said again I'm really hoping to get that up

by the beginning of August for you is there a video for the procedures of

getting pulled over by a police officer Carson yes Carson we have a video on

that specific topic as well I did a live feed on that so you can get a bit more

information for that as well in terms of getting pulled over by police and and

just on that note what I'll say to you about getting pulled over by police if

you're on a bridge or some other place that's not safe Carson just drive to

someplace that's safe like a you know parking lot or a gas station or

something like that as long as you're not driving too far you know not you

know less than a mile the police will follow you and it's

going to be a lot safer and the other thing and one of the tips that I got

from a retired police officer that I was talking to one morning in Vancouver do

not deny what you did I mean don't admit what you did either

but don't deny what you did if the officer says you were speeding okay I

was speeding don't say oh I know I wasn't speeding

because they probably have you on a radar and know that in fact you were

speeding and of course be polite because if you start mouthing off to a cop

police officers are much more inclined to write you a ticket if you

were being belligerent instead of being nice if you're being nice and you know

yes sir no sir yes ma'am no ma'am it's you might even get off for the warning

as opposed to getting a ticket so that's something that I always tell people when

they get pulled over by police if you start if you start mouthing off they're

gonna get their ticket booked out and they're gonna start writing your ticket

so always be nice to police and always try and move over to someplace safe so

that you don't get rear-ended by other traffic and you're out of the way of

traffic and the police really appreciate that as well and whatnot

so there we go yes so Cory got a bunch of videos up for you gaming there and

that really should help you up and get you going there so that's a few tips and

lessons on driving run al thanks a lot even though I know are you're both

driving but still your videos are great as a reminder that's awesome glad you're

working on that and working on being a professional driver and improving your

skills and abilities as you continue to drive because like I said I got my I

drove truck through most of the 1990s it became a commercial driving instructor

in 1997 and I'm still learning I'm still looking stuff up in the Highway Traffic

Act I'm still looking stuff up in the driving manuals I reread them especially

you know now the fact that I'm an international driving instructor there's

a great deal of information that I don't know and one of the questions last week

that one of the smart drivers in Alberta asked me was could he turn left on a red

light going from a two-lane road onto a one-way road and yes you can in the

province of Alberta and in British Columbia and actually it was interesting

cuz I was in Victoria with my friend on the weekend we actually did that is a

little bit strange but you can turn left on a red onto a one-way street as long

as you're going into that inside left lane and not impeding other traffic as

you're turning so that was something that I learned and actually I got in

touch with Tim over it drive smart BC who's a really excellent

resource for information about driving in those types of things so that's

another good resource for those of you as

I promote Tim stuff over there @tsmart draw our drive smart BC he's got some

really great information idiot from Pakistan that's awesome good

morning to you my friend how are you this morning that's really great awesome

Ryan um I have someone I can get to work with me on that and it will come the

more I Drive yeah absolute Ryan and like I said there is the video there on judge

and gap but as I said it's an experiential thing and the more

experienced you can get in it and you know when I I realized after I shot the

video that when I was teaching drivers that when I was teaching them how to

judge gap I was teaching them by being in the vehicle with them and I would say

okay now it's safe to go or if they were going and there wasn't enough space I

would say no no you can't go you have to wait right so then drivers would sort of

learn that because I'm showing them and they were getting a sense as they were

driving in the vehicle with me so that's the easiest way to learn to teach that

to other drivers Jim how are you my friend you recently passed your license

congratulations Jim thanks to you and your channel I recently passed my

license and Jim you're in Toronto right am I correct on that I believe you're in

trial I'm coming up that way here in a few weeks going back home so looking

forward to that so congratulations on passing and have you gone for any road

trips yet Jim there we go excellent that's awesome so and for those of you

watching on the replay here if you're watching on the replay give it a thumbs

up if you haven't subscribed to the channel please consider subscribing

those you don't know smart drive test helps new drivers get a license veteran

drivers to remain crash free in CDL drivers to start a career as a truck or

bus driver so we do lots with driving here and we try and keep you safe try

and keep it crash free and you know and make driving fun too because driving

should be fun and just on the note of fun when I was in Victoria on the

weekend I had to go down to do some work on my rental property we went into the

Maserati car dealership and I saw the car that I

the the Maserati GT which is the cruising car in our the grand touring

car it's it's a beautiful car there's no doubt about it it's very nice so yeah if

you get a chance have a look at it so Jim yes from Toronto not yet I'm

working on getting a car on the road as soon as possible there we go so are you

fixing a car Jim or are you looking for something that's inexpensive or saving

up money and those types of things because that's often what's happening in

terms of trying to get a car so okay we'll of gaming had a question about

getting a driver's permanent currently unemployed I having a lot of trouble

finding true proofs of residency is it the same in Canada you need two proofs

of residency yes will a gaming yes you need to two pieces of ID one of them has

to be a major ID what I term a major ID which is basically a picture ID so it

has to be a passport or some other piece of ID I'm not even sure what it is they

will have a list of whichever Authority you're going to be going to for your

license if you go on their website they will have a list of acceptable

identification that you can use to go and apply for your license so have a

look at their website and that will give you a list of acceptable pieces of ID in

order to pass a road test all right so yeah so not too many not too many

questions tonight now lots of people are in summer mode with summer holidays and

away they go and all those types of things Anita how are you

so lots of people as my friend Tim says lurking there watching but not typing

questions yeah I don't use that word lurking because you're not lurking

you're actually you're watching and learning and I think that's really great

in terms of all the people there so so Allen you need a social security card in

the States so that's good information and Allen would you have any idea what

another piece of identification would be an acceptable piece of identification to

get your driver's license there Carson what's a good small but spacious first

car for me and my family of four from time to time Carson one of the things

that I would suggest is I have a Honda CRV and you can still

pick those Honda C or DS up the older ones and they're reliable

they run well and they're inexpensive so you know they're not the sexiest cars

I'll tell you that for sure is I Drive one not call mine the buggy but it's

been a great vehicle I got two children so people four people and it is really

comfortable it's good for vehicle it's not that big it's fun to bomb around

town and whatnot so it's not you know not the greatest vehicle on the highway

because it's a bit underpowered but for the most part it's a really good vehicle

other smart drivers might have some suggestions for you too in terms of

vehicles that you can drive and get for a family of four so yeah so will a

gaming will a state ID and one other proof of residency be enough yeah I said

yeah that'll definitely be enough gaming there for you and as Alan said a social

security number is what you need so that's some of the stuff that you need

for the purposes of getting your license test and of course you're gonna need

some money because it costs money to get your learner's permit and to do your

road test so that's a couple other things as well so just trying to think I

was ever gonna talk to you about something else that had come up during

the week that was relevant but for sure if anybody has questions let me know and

if you like what you see on the channel and whatnot and you have any reviews or

queries or concerns leave me a comment by all means as I do my best to get to

them and help people out so Tommy says a Ford Fusion

I drove a Ford Escape for a weekend and found that it was easy to drive but also

had a lot of room so there you go so Ford Fusion and Ford Escape those are

both good cars and whatnot so Eric if you have mail from the bank with your

name on it and address it works for proof of residency there you go so

that's really great information as well rush girl hi Rick are there any laws in

the u.s. driving with pets I see dogs with their heads of the

windows I cringe rush girl you know I see lots of people driving and they have

their pets on their laps and those types things and as you said with their head

stuck over the window and yes I have I find that problematic too you know we

have a huge public awareness campaign about distracted driving and then you

see people with pets on their laps and those types things and I think to myself

that's about the pinnacle of distracted driving so yeah I find that problematic

one of the things if you do have a dog and one of the one of the things that

I've really advocate for anybody who gets a dog get your dog crate trained

especially if it's a smaller dog because when you travel with it in the vehicle

or even if you have a bigger dog and you can put it in the back of a pickup truck

or the back of an SUV and it's in a crate it's much easier to transport and

it's much safer for the animal and for you and other people in the vehicle so

that's one of the things that I advocate for people is to crate train your

vehicle or crate trunk yeah crate chain your vehicle create a

in your animal because it just makes traveling with them so much easier and

so much safer and will reduce distracted driving but unfortunately there's just

people that we're not going to be able to change their mind right they're gonna

believe that their dog running around in the cars is okay but unfortunately

that's quite the contrary is true all right Tommy there we go yep good things

bricks for wheels Corey of heard good things about Honda's the older civics

and see RVs in particular yes both of those are really good I can I'll vouch

for those for sure Carson should you confront a texter no Carson I wouldn't

recommend that you confront somebody who's texting while they're driving just

simply maintain your space stay away from them you know keep your distance

and those types of things because unfortunately like the problem car sir

Carson is much much bigger than than anybody is letting on that authorities

are letting on they did a study five or six years ago the triple-a in the United

States and in the last the previous month four to six weeks 66% of

Americans admitted talking on their cell phones while driving 33% so one-third of

the American population we're talking a hundred thousand hundred one third of

the American population is a hundred million people a hundred million drivers

so it wouldn't be a hundred million it'd probably be 70 million drivers 70

million drivers in the United States admitted to texting and driving so the

problem is epidemic it's an epidemic it's it's a huge problem and

unfortunately I don't know I don't have the answer to texting and driving and

how we're going to eliminate that form of distracted driving the only way that

I'd think that people can that we could stop people from texting and driving is

if we actually had some sort of device that as soon as the vehicle started and

I mean we do start we do now have the these apps coming on onboard that it

just disables your phone while you're driving so you can't talk on unless it's

on a hands-free device but then again that's it's a whole different thing and

I mean we've got the text eliezer that's also coming in in the United States and

there has been rumblings of the state of New York implementing the text eliezer

which will give police powers to be able to tap into your phone and see if you

were actually on the phone if you're involved in a car crash but that has all

kinds of constitutional issues that are being fought out in the courts and in

legislation as to whether the we are going to be able to increase police

powers and bring in the text eliezer which is this device that allows you

know increases police powers and I have a video about that too as well that I

did a couple of years ago I probably should revisit that because it's

information or interesting information about you know something that's coming

down the pike in future years about how we're going to curb distracted driving

I need a texting and driving is all over right here in the Caribbean

yes yeah so yeah Emma needed it is a huge problem not just in the United

States but also in other parts of the world Tommy you also don't know the

mindset of that texture personal yeah exactly and that's right and so you know

it's something about somebody texting and driving

if they're going to be able to do that then

it could also erupted into a road rage incident and then you're into you then

it becomes incredibly dangerous at that point because people get upset you know

and in terms of anger management in terms of what they talk about that is

you know 27 lizards and a four-year-old take over driving the vehicle and now

it's a completely dangerous situation alright so I think we're gonna wrap it

up there for tonight congratulations to everybody who passed the road test in

the last week good luck to all of you coming up in the next week passing a

road test and studying and practicing and what not and if you like what you

see here definitely give it a thumbs up hit that thumbs up button for all of you

watching on the replay give it a thumbs up and leave a comment and if you have

any questions at all more than happy to help you out so thanks very much for

showing up thanks very much for your questions and have a great night and

we'll talk to you soon and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the

right answer have a great night bye now

For more infomation >> Merging and Staying Safe on Freeways :: Smart Sunday #44 - Duration: 44:42.


Anker Nebula Capsule Pro Smart Portable Mini Projector w... - Duration: 16:33.

For more infomation >> Anker Nebula Capsule Pro Smart Portable Mini Projector w... - Duration: 16:33.


Mit Smart Beta ETFs zur Überrendite? ETFs Vs. Multifaktor ETF - Duration: 18:15.

For more infomation >> Mit Smart Beta ETFs zur Überrendite? ETFs Vs. Multifaktor ETF - Duration: 18:15.


Gain Insight into Apps and Networks and Usher in the Smart Analysis Age of Data Center Networks - Duration: 2:16.

In the era of big data explosion

if 1000 VMs are managed in the bank industry

80 million flow data records would be generated on average every day

which brings great challenges to traditional O&M

Connection problems comprise 70% of all problems on the DC network

About 3.67% service flows in the bank industry have connection problems

The symptom is that apps cannot access each other

The real cause cannot be quickly identified through traditional O&M means

Through the Heatmap of the FabricInsight

you can quickly identify associated hosts and apps based on typical scenarios

such as SYN link setup failures and abnormal events

Identify key abnormal hosts and apps based on the dynamic distribution of Heatmap

On the Event page

you can search for abnormal flows in seconds through various filtering mechanisms

Performance problems comprise 20% of all problems on the DC network

Generally, when a performance problem occurs

for example, intermittent slow access to the system

the fault cause is associated with the network first

It is a challenge for the network to prove its innocence

App visibility of the FabricInsight can quickly locate abnormal applications

View application details and find abnormal logical links

Analyze the detailed service path of the abnormal link

and determine the root cause of the performance problem

Policy problems comprise 10% of all problems on the DC network

Through the network-wide app interaction map of the FabricInsight

you can analyze data interaction between apps and quickly identify uncompliant traffic

Inter-app interaction relationships can be exported conveniently

For more infomation >> Gain Insight into Apps and Networks and Usher in the Smart Analysis Age of Data Center Networks - Duration: 2:16.


Smart Multichannel Retargeting with Carts Guru - Duration: 0:50.

Over 70% of eshop visitors are still abandoning their shopping carts.

Are you satisfied with your statistics?

Did you know that you can focus specifically on your abandoned carts, retarget your warmest

prospects on exactly the right channel, and invest only where you can maximize conversion.

This is called multichannel cart abandonment retargeting and it can help you

recover up to 20% of your lost sales immediately.

Carts Guru is an all in one solution for smart retargeting wherever it best converts– Facebook

messenger, Facebook ads, sms, email and personalized phone calls.

You can set up multi-channel campaigns on a centralized dashboard.

Focus on those targeted abandoned carts.

Manage and compare your performance by channel.

It's retargeting done the smart way.

Carts Guru, retargeting your carts where ever they are.

For more infomation >> Smart Multichannel Retargeting with Carts Guru - Duration: 0:50.


echo dot 2nd generation smart speaker with alexa Review - Duration: 3:39.

Echo Dot (2nd Generation)!

Smart speaker with Alexa ! The Amazon Echo Dot is a great product.

It maintains almost everything that made the original Echo so great, while also bringing

a substantial cut in price in the style of a portable puck.

This small form factor makes an enormous amount of sense, particularly for those who aren't

sure about how a smart speaker will (literally and metaphorically) fit into their current

smart home set-up.

There are constantly rumors circulating about new Alexa features, but Amazon has recently

updated all of its Alexa smart speakers with a beta feature called Can FulfillIntentRequest.

This will mean that if you forget the triggers for specific Skills, Alexa will still (hopefully)

be able to understand what you were hoping to do.

The Echo Dot is a great-looking little product.

It's around the same circumference as the full-size Echo, but this new Dot lacks a volume

ring, meaning it has an additional two buttons on its top to control volume directly, in

addition to the mute and listen buttons.

The Dot also has the same light ring found on the Echo, which indicates when Alexa is

listening to you through its seven-microphone array or whether the speaker is muted (useful

if you're watching a movie and don't want to be interrupted when Alexa thinks she's

heard her name).

The most striking difference from the Echo is the Dot's height.

At just 32mm tall the device is a full 20cm shorter than its bigger brother.

It's not as small as the aforementioned Chromecast Audio, but it's pretty dinky

all the same.

Its size means it's much easier to tuck away in a nook or cranny of your choosing,

although naturally you'll want to make sure it's still able to hear you speak.

We found that the Echo Dot worked well in the kitchen, where it was able to easily fit

on top of a microwave, but placed next to a stereo was also good, so long as the hardware

wasn't too close to the speakers, making it hard for the microphones to pick up commands


Performance ! The Dot maintains the Echo's exceptional

ability to recognise your voice while giving you the option of improving upon its biggest

flaw, the sound quality, providing you've got an additional external speaker handy.

Being able to use an external speaker is excellent, and means we regularly ended up using the

Dot like a Chromecast to listen to tracks off Spotify, where it was surprisingly intuitive

to get songs and artists playing.

In order to do so you'll need to provide your Spotify login details, and set it as

your default music service over the standard Amazon Prime Music.

Once that's done you can simply say "Alexa, play Royal Blood" and be almost instantly

serenaded by the rock duo, for example.

But the biggest problem with using a pair of external speakers is that, unlike the Echo

Dot itself, these are not meant to be 'always on' devices.

You Want To Purchase Echo Dot (2nd Generation) - Smart speaker with Alexa - Link Available

in Below Description

For more infomation >> echo dot 2nd generation smart speaker with alexa Review - Duration: 3:39.


Suzuki Ignis 1.2 Stijl Smart Hybrid (ALS NIEUW!!/Navig./Climate/16''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis 1.2 Stijl Smart Hybrid (ALS NIEUW!!/Navig./Climate/16''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> ⚠️SGAT COIN - DEMAIN, LE SMART CONTRAT ACCESSIBLE A TOUS 😱 - Duration: 9:29.


How Smart Buildings Boost Portfolio Value - Duration: 4:15.

The Internet of Things or IOT is moving from a buzzword to a reality. Connected

devices are making us more informed and helping automate tasks at home, and at

play in ways we never thought possible but what about where we work? how smart

is the building we spend as much as 40 hours a week in?

You may be surprised to learn that only about 15% of commercial buildings are

"smart" with building automation systems in place. That means most buildings and

possibly yours, aren't using modern connected technologies to create a

better workplace for you but that's about to change.

Big-time! According to the smart building research firm Memoori, the commercial real

estate market is projected to have the fastest and largest growth in connected

devices. Moving well-beyond industrial automation and smart homes by 2021.

The commercial real estate market is rich with opportunities for smart buildings

to improve property management top and bottom line performance, through expense

reduction, increased property values, and better workplace experiences for tenants.

If you're not looking at smart buildings automation technologies, you're missing

out on a big opportunity to differentiate your buildings now and

into the future.

Lucky for you it's quite easy! Your building can be easily

retrofitted with a building automation system featuring affordable sensors and

controllers that work with your existing HVAC and lighting equipment to create

the optimal workplace environment.

The energy savings alone are worth a look.

According to the US Green Building Council, buildings consume 70% of the US

electricity the Department of Energy indicates that commercial buildings

waste as much as 30 percent of the energy they consume. With smart buildings,

you can save up to 50% on HVAC and lighting energy costs. Utility expenses

alone can offer ROI in just one to three years before factoring other operational savings.

Smart buildings don't just save you money- smart buildings create value

benefiting everyone from owners to occupants. Smart buildings have higher

market value too. A study by the US Green Building Council indicates that smart

buildings can increase lease value by as much as eleven point eight percent.

An intelligent building system can play a key role in attracting, retaining, and

delighting tenants. Offering lower energy bills, eco-friendly offices, and creating

great places to work with healthy indoor air quality and comfortable workspaces.

Creating a smart building means you care about your tenants well-being. As you are

likely aware one of the biggest tenant complaints is comfort.

It's Summer, why is the office so cold?

Thermal comfort is directly correlated to productivity.

If employees aren't comfortable, productivity can suffer. A smart building

can sense and manage this.

Indoor air quality is also a huge factor, high CO2

and VOCs levels can pose threats to health and productivity. High levels of

CO2 can make you groggy and reduce your cognitive ability, so that big pasta

lunch might not be the reason you're drowsy. It could be the high CO2 levels

that rose through the day. A building automation system can send CO2 levels

and bring in fresh outside air to assure healthy levels of oxygen for occupants.

You probably manage more than one building. IoT connected buildings

help you manage all your sites from one single pane of glass. Monitor across

properties and all the way down to floor, zone, and equipment level. No need to be

on-site to have insight. And, you can make small updates all at once to multiple

buildings. Commercial properties are projected to quickly rise to become

the smartest most connected buildings in the internet-of-things

ecosystem over the next few years. Will your buildings offer the smarts and

performance as high-value assets delivering strong returns while creating

ideal condition to attract and delight your tenants? Smart buildings make for

quick returns by cutting expenses in energy, maintenance, and other areas.

Though, the improved experience for owners property managers and occupants

promise the greatest value. Now that's smart! This was an overview of our Deep

Thoughts Ebook, Smart Buildings Boost Portfolio Value to download it you can

click the link right now. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How Smart Buildings Boost Portfolio Value - Duration: 4:15.


Control Fan via Wifi. Make a smart Fan. - Duration: 9:32.

Hi guys. Today I will turn a normal fan into a remote control fan. You can turn on/off at everywhere.

In this project I use a relay 5v, a board MCU ESP8266, 5V power, case.

this is the circuit diagram. I will use pin D3 on ESP8266 to control Relay

Using wires to connect the parts together

Make sure you connect correct positive/negative power

Go to download library. Then copy to folder libraries of Arduino

Open arduino. Go to Arduino -> Preferences.

Copy all of file you download to folder "Sketchbook location"

Copy code in the description then paste to Arduino. Upload that code to MCU 8266

You have to change auth, ssid, pass. When you registration an account on you will get auth key

Verify and upload code to MCU8266

Put all of the parts to the box. Prepare connect with the fan

Open iphone/android phone. Install blynk app. Registration an account, get auth key.

Add an button, change to switch type. I use GP0 pin in this situation

For more infomation >> Control Fan via Wifi. Make a smart Fan. - Duration: 9:32.


Sonos Beam Smart TV Soundbar with Alexa Speech Enhance... - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Sonos Beam Smart TV Soundbar with Alexa Speech Enhance... - Duration: 11:33.


Huawei P smart | Test - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Huawei P smart | Test - Duration: 6:13.


Dojo Smart WiFi Network Security with Lifetime Protection - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> Dojo Smart WiFi Network Security with Lifetime Protection - Duration: 20:07.


HSN | Smart Home Electronics Celebration 07.03.2018 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Smart Home Electronics Celebration 07.03.2018 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


BTS renews their contract with SMART for 3 years in a row - Duration: 1:25.

BTS has renewed their contract with SMART Uniforms.The boys have been the model for the uniform since 2016, and they've renewed their contract with the brand to be the models for 2019

This will mean that they'll be SMART's models for the 3rd year in a row, and continue on promotions with the brand

SEE ALSO: BTS' 'Fake Love' MV hits 200 million views! SMART said, "BTS has grown to be a worldwide artist, and we extended our contract with them because that image matches well with SMART's goal of expanding into the Chinese market

We will have various promotions with BTS, and look forward to our synergy being greater because we spent 2 years together

" (Bangtan Boys) BTS

For more infomation >> BTS renews their contract with SMART for 3 years in a row - Duration: 1:25.


Juárez: Lo balean frente al Smart de la Altavista; está grave - Duration: 1:25.

    Hombres con armas dispararon contra joven de alrededor de 25 años de edad en las calles Cloro y Jazmines, de la colonia Altavista

 El ataque se perpetro frente al Smart que se ubica en ese cruce, hasta donde acudieron agentes de la Policía para resguardar la escena

 Al lugar también acudieron paramédicos para brindarle los primeros auxilios y lo trasladaron grave al Hospital General

 En la zona de nueva cuenta se implementó un fuerte dispositivo de seguridad para tratar de dar con los responsables

For more infomation >> Juárez: Lo balean frente al Smart de la Altavista; está grave - Duration: 1:25.


Draw star and smileys - coloring pages tech smart kids - Duration: 3:41.


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