Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 1 2018


CARLOS LAGO: That right there is the new 2019 BMW X4.

It's a slightly more premium, slightly more sporty variant

of the X3 that has a slope down roof.

Kind of like the BMW X6.

We're gonna drive it for the first time today.


From the driver's seat, unsurprisingly, the X4

drives similarly to the X3.

And I'm actually happy to get to talk about that

because I went to Portugal to drive

the X3 and film a video on it, and I got the flu immediately

after landing.

So no video.

But I've since reviewed that vehicle

and driving this car for the first time,

and the similarities are very easy to spot.

The dash looks identical.

Forward visibility is excellent.

You get the same powerful 6 cylinder engine and this model,

which is the M40i.

Of the two, this is the M40i, which is the top version.

Beneath that, is an xDrive30i.

The xDrive30i comes with a two liter turbocharged 4 cylinder,

about 250 horsepower, or so.

And this M40i has a turbocharged straight 6

with 355 horsepower and about 365 pound feet of torque.

So acceleration in this is not a problem.

BMW's never had a problem making powerful engines

that feel good.

This one revs all the way to 6500 RPM

and sounds good in the process.

So it's a very satisfactory driving experience.

The nicely weighted and easy to grab onto steering wheel

feels good in your hands.

There's good detents in the rim that

make you want to grab the wheel at the right position.

The throttle response is pretty solid

for a turbocharged engine, especially one with an 8 speed


If I dial it into one of the various sport modes,

it even gets a little louder and it

will crackle the be exhaust when I make downshifts.

Take a listen to this.


That's a good sound.

And speaking of crazy performance things

that you don't expect in this kind of vehicle,

we've got launch control.

And that will get this M40i model to 60 miles an hour,

according to BMW, in just over 4 and a half seconds.

There's no arguments about how fast this car could

be in a straight line.

And when it comes to handling, it

does that job pretty well too.

There's no getting around that it's an SUV,

that it rides taller, that it weighs a fair amount as well.

But still, the satisfying parts of driving quickly,

how the car responds when you go into a corner, how it

feels when you accelerate out--

all those elements are tied together very nicely.

And that's important because that's kind

of what you'd expect from BMW.

The X4 aspires to be a sportier version of the X3.

To that end, they've extended the rear track width

on this over an inch--

1.2 inches.

And that seems like a small amount,

but it actually is kind of a major deal.

They've done this because, you know, it looked good,

which doesn't hurt.

And too, it also makes the car a little bit more nimble.

And that's something you may not notice

when you're driving in the commute stop and go traffic.

But it may influence other elements,

like if you decide to go up a winding road,

or take a freeway off ramp or on ramp at a good clip.

All these X4 models come with the sport suspension that

makes it ride a little bit more firmly than the standard car,

and adaptive damping is optional.

The version that we're driving, like I mentioned, is an X40i.

But it's outfitted and kitted out

with all the doodads and accessories,

if you couldn't tell by this beautiful red leather.

Now, all the X4's come standard with a large entertainment

display, but the head-up display is optional,

but this one has it.

It looks attractive.

What I like about this new generation of X3 and X4

is this large digital gauge cluster.

It's interesting because it's definitely a digital screen,

but they've worked in that surrounds of the gauges.

Those are actual fixed elements.

You can reach out and touch them,

even though the screen behind them can change to whatever.

We've also got some sportier seats in this.

They have a little bit more aggressive side bolstering.

And that's to make you, you know, help you sit in place.

Now, let's talk about the rear hatch.

The rear window is a lot smaller than it is on the X3.

And the rear headrests impinge upon the visibility as well.

We have tall side view mirrors, which help.

And we have a suite of safety equipment,

including rear view camera, top view camera, all of that

stuff as well.

Well, visibility could be a concern

to some people who are more sensitive to that than not.

This X4, which is outfitted with all the sporty elements,

does the sporty driving stuff right, which

is exactly what you'd hope.

But let's talk about what happens to the back seat.


Now, the story with the last generation BMW X4

was that it compromised so much interior space

because of the way this roofline went down,

that it really didn't seem to be that much worthwhile stepping

to it over in X3 because the compromises were so great.

Now because this generation X3 and consequently,

this generation X4 are so much bigger than those vehicles,

there are still compromises, but the space

remains pretty usable.

I gotta say.

As I slither over to this seat here,

I find that if I sit behind the driver's seat

where I was sitting last-- if I sit behind myself,

I have plenty of leg room, plenty of shoulder room.

Although, my hair is just about brushing the roof.

If you have any taller passengers,

taller than 5'10" or passengers with big torsos,

their heads might be in the roof.

And this center seat here has a pretty firm backrest.

So you can get four adults in this car total,

but you probably want to keep the center

space for the little ones.

Cargo space is a lot less than the X3,

but the cargo area is pretty usable.

You can flip down this backseat and use this entire loading

area to put your stuff.


The X4 is a very nice driving and interesting looking


The question is, who's buying it?

It's more expensive than an X3 and offers less utility.

And utility is the second word that makes up the acronym, SUV.

So from a logic perspective, it's kind of a head scratcher.

That's what it's always been.

I think the real draw is that this is something

that will be sold in small numbers, that looks different,

that has a sportier edge to it, and that alone is

enough for shoppers who are looking for something

a little bit more unique and something that stands out

a bit more than your normal luxury compact SUV.

We'll be sure to do a deeper test on this

once we get it back at our office.

But for now, the impression is this thing drives well.

And the people who are remotely interested in the way this

looks should check it out.

If you like what you saw, keep it tuned right here

and be sure to visit


For more infomation >> The 2019 BMW X4 Isn't for Everybody — And That's the Point - Duration: 6:43.


✅ 볼보코리아, 'BMW X1·벤츠 GLA' 잡을 'XC40' 출시 - Duration: 9:10.

 볼보 더 뉴 XC40이 드디어 국내 출시됐다. 앞서 선 인 XC90과 XC60이 국내외 시장에서 큰 성공을 거둔 큼, 새로운 볼보 SUV에 대한 기대도 그 어느 때보다 높

 볼보 XC40은 브랜드 최초로 선보이는 컴팩트 SUV . 올해 3월 제네바 모터쇼에서 '2018 유럽 올해의 차 에 선정되며, 우수한 상품성을 검증받은 바 있다

신차의 경쟁 모델로는 BMW X1을 비롯해 메르세데스-벤 GLA, 아우디 Q3, 재규어 E-페이스 등이 꼽힌다

 XC40의 외관은 XC90이나 XC60과는 사뭇 다른 매력을 뿜어낸다. '토르의 망치'라 불리는 헤드램프나 아이 마크가 적용된 그릴 등 브랜드 아이덴티티를 유지한 가운데 한층 날렵한 인상을 갖췄다

이는 우아한 느낌의 벤츠 GLA나 역동적인 BMW X1 과 차별화된 개성을 발산한다. 보다 간결하면서도 감각적인 차의 디자인은 젊고 트렌디한 고객층을 적극 공략할 전망이다

 '스웨디시 미니멀리스트'를 표방하는 XC40의 실내는 기대 이상 넉넉함을 제공한다. 전장은 짧지만, 동급 수입 리미엄 SUV 중 가장 긴 휠베이스(2702mm)를 확보했

전자식 기어 시프트를 통해 센터 콘솔에 여유로운 공간을 련했고, 엔진룸과 실내 공간 사이 스피커 등을 배치해 도어 수납공간을 확보했다

별도의 카드홀더나 글로브박스 하단의 접이식 고리, 그리고 티슈 및 휴지통 공간 등이 곳곳에 배치됐다

 더불어 경쟁 모델보다 극단적으로 짧은 전후 오버행으로 도심 내 협소한 골목길이나 좁은 주차 공간도 수월하게 이용 수 있다

 국내에는 T4 가솔린 모델이 판매된다. 최고출력 19 마력, 최대토크 30.6kg·m의 강력한 엔진은 8단 기어 로닉과 짝을 이루며 전 트림 사륜구동 시스템이 기본 탑재된

 컴포트, 에코, 다이내믹, 오프로드 그리고 인디비주얼 등 총 5가지 주행 모드가 지원된다

신차는 오프로드 주행 성능을 극대화하고 내리막길에서 안정 인 주행을 위해 경사로 감속 주행장치(HDC)가 기본 탑재 다

 풍부한 마력과 토크, 그리고 사륜구동 시스템 등 종합 인 주행 성능은 우수하지만, 연비는 상대적으로 경쟁 모델들 다 살짝 뒤처진다

에너지공단에 등록된 공인 복합연비는 10.3km/L이다.  볼보답게 안전 부문에서는 확실한 강점을 보인다

XC60 등에 탑재됐던 충돌 회피 지원 기능을 비롯해 긴 제동 시스템인 시티 세이프티와 최신 반자율 주행 기능인 파 럿 어시스트II 등이 전 모델 기본 탑재됐다

이외 평행 및 직각 주차를 지원하는 파크 어시스트 파일럿 실내 공기 청정 시스템 등 고급 편의 사양도 전 트림 제 된다

 볼보 XC40 국내 출시 가격은 4620만원~5080 원으로 가격 경쟁력까지 갖췄다는 평가다

여기에 최근 국내 시장 흐름도 볼보코리아에게 유리하다. 리미엄 컴팩트 SUV에 대한 관심은 뜨거운 반면, 시장 내 신차가 부족하다

인기 모델인 X1은 인증 서류 오류 문제로 지난해 말 판 중단을 선언했다. Q3 역시 국내 시장에서 모습을 감춘지 오래다

GLA만이 올해 월 평균 200대 이상 판매고를 올리고 다.  볼보코리아 측은 "더 뉴 XC40은 세련된 디자인 최신 기술력, 강력한 주행성능을 모두 겸비했다"며 "안전 과 사용자 경험에 있어 국내 프리미엄 소형 SUV 시장에 로운 기준을 제시할 것으로 기대한다"고 밝혔다

 신승영기자 자동차 전문 매체 모터그래프(http://www>

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