Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 28 2018

Make your home "Smart" as most work with Google Assist, Alexa Voice 1. Smart outlets, wifi to connect your smart devices. 2. Smart thermostats - Ask it to set a timer, adjust the temperature etc., 3. Robotic Helpers - Smart robot vacuums, water sprinklers,,ceiling fans. 4. Keyless Door Locks - Monitor and lock/unlock your door from anywhere. 5. Lighting - Turn lights on/off, dim to the desired level and set up schedules from wherever!

For more infomation >> Quick 'Smart' Home Setup: What you Need ! - Duration: 1:10.


Ultimate Home Automation System with Google Home & Alexa. Smart Home Tour Setup Ideas Devices DIY 18 - Duration: 7:55.

Ok Google I have a headache

Let me dim the lights

Thanks that would help

In this video I am going to go over my ultimate home automation system, Everything I did to

make my house a smart home tour. In this corner I am going to put everything you need to have

to duplicate the command that I just gave including the apps and the products. Below

this video there will be links to every single product that I have listed in this video.

Ok Google Set living room lights brightness to 20 percent. You got it setting six lights

brightness to 20 percent.

To control your lights you can use smart light bulbs or smart dimmer switches.

Ok google set living room lights brightness to one hundred percent.

Smart Bulbs tend to do more tricks and smart switches tend to be more practical

Ok Google set living room lights to daylight.

This changes the light color to a more cool tone.

Ok Google set living room lights to moon light.

If you pay attention real closely here the lights here get more yellow.

Ok Google Turn off living room lights.

For this command you need a smart bulb and can't do this with just a switch.

Ok Google turn on downstairs lights. I'll turn them on.

Here I use the stringify app so one command cascades to a bunch of operations. In this

case it turns on a lot of different lights.

Ok Google Turn off kitchen lights. You got it.

My Kitchen lights are all on a smart dimmer switch not smart bulbs

Ok Google set living room light 2 to on.

My living room lights are smart bulbs and not smart dimmer switches.

Ok Google Turn off Fireplace.

This is one of my favorite tricks.

Ok Google turn on the fireplace.

And it took finding the right switch to make this fireplace work.

Ok Google Close the garage Door. Gotcha

Now let's fast forward. Most current garage doors can be modified with a product I have

listed below. This device does not require a hub but runs on its own app.

Ok Google Lock the front door.

I have it set up so my voice can only lock the door. Otherwise breaking in would only

take yelling into my home to unlock it.

Ok Google turn on the entry lamp.

Some people use motion sensors for stuff like this. There are just too many exceptions so

it always turns on when I don't want it too.

Ok Google tell pet net to feed my dogs one half cup. Okay I am feeding C O R B E L L

E one half cup

Normally I have the feeder set up on a timer but sometimes I like to use the voice as well.

Ok Google set downstairs thermostat to cool.

There are better thermostats than this but this one came with my home and voids the warranty

if I change the thermostat.

Ok Google set the downstairs thermostat to 80 degrees. Sure setting the downstairs thermostat

to 80 degrees.

I had to fast forward the corner screen you see here so its not actually in real time.

I will link to better ones below.

Alexa tell Deebot to start Cleaning.

Smart Vacuums take a bit to get used to but we love the daily clean

Okay now your deebot is cleaning.

Alexa tell deebot to stop cleaning. Ok your deebot has stopped.

Alexa tell Deebot to return to charging.

This takes a minute so I'll Fast Forward but deebot always returns.

Okay now your deebot is charging. Here I used Alexa. I love Alexa for certain things like

speakers. However, Deebot will soon be completely compatible with Google Home.

Ok Google Turn on the TV. On it

If you don't have a current Smart TV you need a specific Hub to do this command

And this following command right here is why I mainly use Google Home.

Ok Google Play E.S.P.N. On master tv. Alright Playing E.S.P.N. From YouTube TV on Master


I am able to Navigate and Channel Surf with my Voice on YouTube TV. I cant do that with

Alexa yet.

Ok Google Rewind thirty minutes.

I like the voice controlled rewind and fast forward feature better than tv remotes.

Ok Google set master TV volume to 70 percent.

Ok Google watch ABC on Master TV.

I can surf by saying the channel or by saying what exactly I want to watch

Ok Google watch the warriors basketball game. Sure

Obviously this makes me very happy. No more trying to find the channel a program is on

just say the name of the program.

Ok Google turn on Stranger things on Netflix on master TV. Alright stranger things from

Netflix playing on master TV.

You can even tell it a certain season or episode to play

Ok Google I have headache. Let me dim the lights.

I use IFTTT app here for the unique request that I gave and then stringify dims, turns

off, and yellows the lights optimal for when I have a migraine.

Ok Google Set the Mood. Ooo La La

-Once again IFTTT sets the unique response and then stringify turns on the lights and

starts the fireplace if it isn't already on like it was here.

Ok Google Play have you ever really loved a woman on spotify. On Master. Would you like

that to play on master TV. Yes. Alright have you ever really loved a woman from spotify

playing on

You can also get smart speakers or Alexa and Google home have really good sound too.

Ok Google We're leaving. See you later

-Once again IFTTT sets the response then I have stringify set a timer to give enough

time to leave through the front door then the front door locks and everything turns

off behind me. In case I leave in a care I don't have it close the garage door. The possibilities

are endless But you can make it do what makes sense for you.

For example I have a set up so my Specific Doorbell Camera Turns on the porch light when

it senses movement but only during nighttime. But you can have it turn on an entry way light

or play a welcome song or whatever you want.

Ok google time for bed. You Rest I will turn everything off.

The last thing I want to do in life is lock the door and turn everything off when I am

tired so this is my favorite command. Alone this is worth it. All the products are linked

to below this video and I will answer your personal home automation questions below.

Come back if you need specifics on what I used. Subscribe to me or my wife's makeup

channel and like this video.

For more infomation >> Ultimate Home Automation System with Google Home & Alexa. Smart Home Tour Setup Ideas Devices DIY 18 - Duration: 7:55.


Suzuki Baleno 1.2 SMART HYBRID HIGH EXECUTIVE Staat in Hoogeveen - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Baleno 1.2 SMART HYBRID HIGH EXECUTIVE Staat in Hoogeveen - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 FULL HYBRID DYNAMIC | Navigatie | Half leder | Panorama | Smart-Entry - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 FULL HYBRID DYNAMIC | Navigatie | Half leder | Panorama | Smart-Entry - Duration: 1:10.


Smart City-Coupé SMART & PULSE - Airco - Panoramadak - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Smart City-Coupé SMART & PULSE - Airco - Panoramadak - Duration: 1:11.


Central School receives SMART Schools Challenge Award - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Central School receives SMART Schools Challenge Award - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Prius 1.8 Dynamic Pack | Smart-Entry | Regen/Licht-sensor | Adapt.Cruise-ctrl - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.8 Dynamic Pack | Smart-Entry | Regen/Licht-sensor | Adapt.Cruise-ctrl - Duration: 1:07.


New User Introduction to Cisco Smart Software Manager - Duration: 9:06.

Welcome to the Cisco Smart Software Manager, also known as CSSM!

This video provides an overview of CSSM including an introduction to the user interface and

its functionality.

Cisco Smart Software Manager is a time-saving tool for customer or partner software license

asset management.

Accessing your account using your ID provides full visibility and access to

all your Cisco Smart Software licenses.

Virtual accounts are sub-accounts under Smart Accounts that you can create to organize the

products and licenses for your company into logical entities, such as by business unit,

product type, geographic region, and so on.

For example, you can create virtual accounts for each of your departments.

Think of it this way, a Smart Account is like a parent folder and Virtual Accounts are like

the child folders.

To access CSSM, go to Cisco Software Central at software-dot-cisco-dot-com and log in with

your ID.

After logging in, choose Smart Software Licensing from either the top navigation bar, or from

the License quadrant on the page.

The Smart Software Manager is set up with tabs across the top, which makes it easy to

navigate the interface, and the Alerts tab is the default.

The alerts are helpful for you to understand what's going on with your licenses.

Minor alerts do not require immediate action; whereby Major alerts will require a specific


The Inventory tab is helpful for visualizing the licenses that you currently own and how

you're using them within each of your Virtual Accounts, depending on your role.

Smart Account Administrator and Users will have access to the entire Smart Account, including

the virtual accounts associated with them.

Virtual Account Administrator and Users will only have access to the specific virtual accounts

assigned to them.

You can toggle between virtual accounts by choosing them from the drop-down menu.

Within the Inventory tab are four subtabs: General, Licenses, Product Instances, and

Event Log.

The General tab displays your Virtual Account description and whether or not it is the default

Virtual Account.

One of the important functionalities under the General tab is the ability to generate


Tokens are used to register products.

To generate a token, simply click the New Token button.

You then have the option to enter a description and provide the number of days before the

token expires.

The default is set to 30 days, but you can enter anywhere between 1 and 365 days.

When tokens are generated, they are displayed in the table below.

The Licenses tab is helpful to understand which licenses are provisioned and being utilized

in your Virtual Account within your Smart Account.

You can also transfer licenses between Virtual Accounts within your Smart Account.

For example, here you can see a 50-MB AX license for a CSR that we're currently not using

with an available balance of 20 licenses.

To transfer a number of licenses, simply click on the Actions drop-down menu and choose Transfer.

In the Transfer Licenses window, choose a different virtual account, enter a quantity,

then click Preview to see a summary of the pending transfer.

Click Complete Transfer to finalize the transaction.

When a product or device has been registered, it will be listed under the Product Instances


Clicking on a Product Instance Name brings up an Overview and Event Log window where

you can view detailed information related to the device, including different licenses

that are being consumed.

Under Actions, you can transfer or remove the device.

You can transfer a device between Virtual Accounts within your Smart Account.

When you do that, the device will return the licenses it was consuming back to the pool

as unused licenses in the source Virtual Account and it will start consuming the licenses in

your destination Virtual Account.

The Event Log displays information for all activity within your virtual account, such

as product registration, adding and removing licenses on products, transferring licenses

or products between virtual accounts, and so on.

For example, here you can see that 20 new licenses were added to this Virtual Account

and a new token was created.

Under the License Conversion tab, you can convert Classic licenses to Smart licenses.

You will see 4 to 5 subtabs, depending on your role.

Under the Convert PAKs tab, you can manually convert Classic Licenses on a Product Authorization

Key to Smart Licenses.

Under the Convert Licenses tab, you can manually convert Classic Licenses on a device to Smart


Under the Conversion History tab, you will see the conversion status of the device-led

conversion capability.

This capability will convert Classic Licenses on a device to Smart Licenses once they are

registered on CSSM.

The Conversion Settings tab is available to Smart Account Administrators only.

Here you can enable or disable the device-led conversion capability on all or selected Virtual


The Event Log tab displays all the license conversion activity for all your Virtual Accounts.

The Reporting feature within CSSM is very robust.

You can see within a few seconds a quick snapshot of all your Smart Licenses throughout your

Smart Account.

You can give the report a custom name and you can choose which Virtual Accounts to be

included in the report.

An additional benefit is the ability to export these reports out in CSV or XLS file formats.

At the very top, you'll get a summary of your license usage as well as a detailed breakdown

by Virtual Account.

This is helpful, because now you can actually see all of your licenses within a single report.

If you scroll down to the bottom, you can see the licenses that are getting ready to


This means you'll be able to make more educated decisions based on when licenses are expiring

without any more of the guesswork.

Some of the other reports you can run are License Subscriptions and Product Instances.

Under the Preferences tab, you can choose to receive daily notifications on the activity

of your Smart Account, by checking the respective checkboxes under Alert and Informational Events.

It's a convenient way to understand what's going on with your licenses for the past 24

hours via an email summary.

If you're using the Smart Software Manager Satellite, the Satellites tab will show you

any of the satellites that are currently connected to your Smart Account.

For more information on Smart Software Manager Satellite, you can view additional videos

on our Cisco Smart Software Licensing YouTube channel.

The Activity tab keeps track of things that have happened along the way in your Smart

Account and you're able to view the various license transactions listed chronologically

with the most recent on top.

In the upper right corner of the Smart Software Licensing page, there are hyperlinks that

allow you to: • Provide feedback,

• Request support, and • Get Help.

The Virtual Assistant allows you to interact with the expert system and get answers to

your questions in real time.

In addition, you can access Related Links, Documentation and Videos, Open a Case, and

Contact Us.

Clicking on one of the video links in the Related Links pane takes you to the Cisco

Video Portal where you can find Video Tutorials related to Smart Software Licensing.

In summary, Cisco Smart Software Manager eliminates the need to manage PAKs and license files

by introducing license pooling.

Licenses are no longer node-locked to devices and can be used on any compatible device owned

by your company.

Begin managing your licenses using CSSM today!

For more information on licensing, go to slash "go," slash "license."

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