Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 27 2018

Hello dear subscribers, and once again welcome in the Kia Stinger for this new video!

This is a focus about the driving assistance systems of the car

We're on the freeway, I'm driving on sustained speed

so I can experiment some of the driving assistance systems

First one: here on the left I have some buttons

I'm talking about the Lane Keeping Assist

here on the display in front of me I see the car's silhouette inside the two lane lines

with a little steering wheel figure: it means the Lane Keeping Assist is on

I don't know if you can see it, but on the head up display

along with the speed, I have once again the little steering wheel figure in green

Now let's try it. Keep this in mind: never put your hands off the steering wheel

I'll keep them very close to it for obvious safety reasons

Now I'll put them off

Now I'm on a straight road, right now it slightly bends to the right

I'm steering slightly to the left and look at this:

the steering wheel automatically corrects the position of the car

In a while the road will become more twisty, so we'll see this feature working better

Here we go

You see?

The car slightly turns to the left by itself

mind this is not an autonomous drive system

The car follows the tangent line of the corner

but it simply reads the lane lines of the road and follows them

Let's accelerate a little bit towards the next twisty bit of the road

Ok, pull off my hands

You see? First it was driving straight

as soon as it read the bending lane lines, it began to follow them

It's keeping this trajectory

This changing of trajectory doesn't feel unnatural and ''robotic''

It's pretty smooth

Perfect. Let me put my hands back on the steering wheel

Now another one. There's nobody coming from neither right nor left

I will switch lanes without using the blinkers

See this

The steering wheel automatically corrects this lane switching

bringing the car back in its lane

But if I use my blinkers, no issues

The system comes back on

If I need to surpass someone, it doesn't do it by itself,

this, again, is not an autonomous drive system

Let's see now

It works perfectly

Let's turn the Lane Keeping Assist off

Another useful driving assistance system of the Stinger

is the Adaptive Cruise Control

Let me turn it on


Let's set the speed at about 80 kph

If you didn't know, the Adaptive Cruise Control automatically sets the speed

of the car based on the one of the car in front of us

Of course you need to respect some maximum and minimum distances for making it work

And so the car slows down or accelerates by itself with it

The van in front of us made its way out of the freeway, it slowed down

and the Kia too automatically slowed down!

Now there's nobody in front of us. Let's set the speed at 90 kph

Let's safely approach to the next car and see what happens

I think the maximum distance limit between me and the car in front

is about the lenght of 4 or 5 cars, so I'll set it like that

Right now in front of me there's Carlo in the camera car

He's driving at about 75-80 kph

I previously set the cruise control at 90 kph

but the Kia automatically set its speed based on Carlo's speed

and now I'm driving at 75-80 kph

Cruise control still set at 90 kph

I put my blinkers on, I switch lane to surpass Carlo

the car accelerates

as you can see I don't have the foot on the gas

because the car which is right now in front of us is going faster than Carlo

So the Stinger went back to 90 kph, set by me

In case the car in front of me brakes or slows down

the Stinger would do it, too

This system works very well and I find it very comfortable

Little distractions could happen while people drive

and if the driver doesn't see the car in front braking

this system will help him keeping the safety distance

Talking about these eventualities, the car also recognizes automatically the pedestrians

It detects them and automatically brakes

Of course I can't and don't want to try this feature, but believe me

it's a very useful and well working system!

Another driving assistance system, let me turn the Adaptive Cruise Control off

is the Blind Spot Detection

I hope you can see it, on the left side mirror

an orange light comes on

As you can see, Carlo is surpassing us

and the orange LED comes on

You see?

It's handy, because every car has a blind spot in the side mirrors

and the sensors of the Kia automatically detects other cars

Now we're in the sun light, but another useful system

is the High Beam Assistant

How does it work? When I put the high beam lights on at night

and a car comes in the opposite direction

the sensors detects it

and turns off the one that hits the car

to prevent a momentarily blinding of that drive

without leaving me with the left piece of road in the dark

So this last safety feature is very useful for drivers coming in the opposite direction

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