Time is infinite; it never runs out, it never speeds up, it never slows down,
you never have more time on one day and less time on another day. And so, if you
ever hear a time management guru, promise to make extra time for you on a day
that you didn't have before, they're talking nonsense! You can't make more time.
What you can do, is you can improve your habits, your systems, and your behaviours,
so that you invest your energies wisely, in the truly important things and at the
expense of the trivial things, so that you can live productively, proactively,
and with less stress in your life. So if that sounds of interest to you, I
encourage you to watch this video, where I'm going to reveal the five key
principles of time management, that I work through with both groups and
individuals when I'm delivering time management coaching. The first, is the
principle of the 'decisive mind' and how to develop a decisive mind. And that
involves, identifying all the different areas in your life where you have a
tendency to procrastinate, and delay on the things that you really should take
action on. Whether it's the little things, maybe you have a habit where you're in a
restaurant and you always struggle to choose something because everything looks so
great? Or whether you have a tendency to delay on the difficult conversations you
know you may need to have with your partner or your volatile boss? Or the D.I.Y.
projects? Or the things that you've started, you can just never quite seem
to complete them? But all of your different procrastination sagas, come
together to form a web of procrastination, which prevents you from being more
decisive by habit. And so if you can analyse each procrastination saga,
and understand what's going on for you in each unique situation, and then address each
procrastination saga. As you overcome each one, so the web weakens and so you
become more decisive by habit. The second key principle of great time management,
is the principle of 'boundaries', and for those of you who have watched my
boundaries video, you'll know there are three distinct types of boundaries that
play out in our lives, and it's vital that we understand how to communicate
them and how to adhere to them. People with strong boundaries know when to
say "yes" and know when to say "no", so they avoid taking on too much and they avoid
being drawn into things that they'd really rather not be drawn into. The
third key principle of great time management, is the principle of
'prioritising': essentially, putting your tasks in an orderly queue, but
ensuring that the important tasks are at the front of that queue and the trivial
tasks are at the back of the queue, and that you don't get confused between what
feels urgent, but is perhaps less trivial and what is truly important but is
perhaps less urgent. And it's about understanding the difference between
high and low impact action. You see, to complete a task, there probably are a
number of action points that we need to take. Some will deliver a high impact to
getting that task completed, and some will deliver a low impact.
But we often get drawn into doing the low impact actions first, because they feel
easier to do, but they contribute less to achieving the overall task. The
fourth key principle of great time management, is 'time planning', essentially,
how to create a system that works for you, with tools and tricks within it that
help keep you on track with your time. And of course, when it comes to
prioritizing, needs change on a daily basis, so you're constantly needing to
re-analyse that queue that you have in place.
And if you have a good system, you'll be much better equipped to do this. Some
people prefer an online system, some people still prefer a manual system, a
large, hardback diary: whichever is fine, as long as you have
a system in place. The fifth key principle of great time management, is
the principle of 'effective delegation'. How do you give a task to somebody else,
and ensure that they complete the task to the standard that you need that task
to be completed to, and within the time scale you need? But also ensure, that
person's skills are developed and that your relationship with them is developed?
Effective delegation is particularly important for leaders, managers, parents.
So if you want to live more productively, and proactively, so you have less stress in
your life, then give me a call on 07760 444 946.
or connect with me on social media: like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter,
connect with me on LinkedIn, subscribe to me on YouTube. Thanks for watching.
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