hello everybody and then we're gonna get right into it so tonight's topic is
going to be goal-setting so what goals to set and then how to crush them okay
that's that's what we're going over if you're in the inner circle
we talked about this a little bit on Friday as well so it's just going to be
a continuation of that discussion you made yourself and it's how we it's how
we do this so we are talking about goal-setting today okay
I'm gonna get this out of the way alright so we are talking about
goal-setting the important thing especially whether you have a business
or don't it doesn't really make a difference goals are goals are goals
right so it makes no difference whether you have a business if you've had one
for years if you're just starting a business if you don't have one but you
just have a busy honkin life then goals still matter right so that's what we're
going to talk about right now and I'm going to be utilizing the tactic of
SMART goals a lot of you have probably already you're probably way familiar
with them especially if you're in any sort of corporate atmosphere at all
SMART goals are all the rage so a SMART goal hey Ruki oh I haven't seen you for
so long poppin in to say hi she says so SMART
goals are goals that are specific goals that are measurable goals that are Ruki
thank you for being so amazing well stop it thank you goals that are measurable
goals that are attainable goals that are realistic and goals that are time bound
or time related or timely is the word that they use but it's easier to explain
if it's you know time bound is how I to say it so so that being said what do
we do to determine what goals were going to be working on okay because whenever
you have these huge stretch goals right like the that this is where I want to be
in a year or this is where I want to be in three years or this is where I want
to be in five years right those are like the aspirations the dreams the vision
the that's I mean that's where we want to be so what we have to do is we have
to break that into steps right so we can actually get there so when we break that
into steps what you're going to do at this point and let me know if you have
any questions or anything Ruki it's difficult to catch live while
in office oh I hear you I hear you I hear you we always have these in here so
whenever you are breaking those goals down into smaller smaller goals that you
can meet and then meet and then meet and then meet and all the while that you're
hitting these goals what you're doing mentally is you're gaining momentum
right so you you have started meeting goals and then whenever you hit that one
then you work on your next one and you work on your next one and you work on
your next one all the while picking up steam gaining
momentum gaining authority really great and gaining some gravity to yourself
gravity to your brand it's it's almost like a little swagger right yeah you
gain you gain so much as you just keep hitting these goals okay so my
suggestion is this take one of your this is I need to be specific here because I
don't want to say well just think of this thing I'm gonna be specific I take
your year stretch goal so where do you want to be in a year okay and make it a
stretch goal and a stretch goal is like a little bit more than you even think
you can do like that dream goal okay no I'm not saying a little bit more than
you think you can do like I want to be a billionaire next year because that is I
mean it's a stretch goal of course and it's not outside of you know the realm
of reality at all but it's let's let's let's rope it in a little bit right so
what is the one-year stretch goal either for you for your business for your life
for you know where you're living or what your lifestyle is gonna be like or
whatever that is to you what is your one-year stretch goal okay and then now
let's break down into one or two smaller goals that are going to be steps to get
you there okay because we look at the stretch goal and then what we need now
is a goal for the next 30 days one or two goals for the next thirty days what
do you think and we're talking about pushing the needle on that stretch goal
for the year what do you think that you can do in the next 30 days that's
realistic that will get you to that stretch goal okay so if the stretch goal
is income related which a lot of times it is right in one way or another a lot
of times it is if it's income related okay so what are the things that would
need to happen in order to get to that income right so what you're going to do
is you're going to reverse-engineer that goal into a 30 day step right so one or
two steps that would get you there so so let's go ahead and think of what what
those one or two steps in the next 30 days is going to be so for somebody that
maybe has an income goal let's do an easy one so like a hundred thousand
dollars say you want to say you want your business to be making a hundred
thousand dollars by next year okay I mean that's that's that's a very
attainable goal right so so let's talk first
the very first thirty days of what that looks like is infrastructure right so
you would you would see where is your business what is the interest
structure look like what does the base what is the the the cornerstone of
everything what does that look like for your business right so what what you
would do first is you would start framing things out like you're building
a house so you would you would get the foundation and then you would start
framing it out okay that's a house by the way so so you would so you would
work on the foundation so the foundation for for the hundred thousand dollar a
year for your business a lot of its going to rely on education right so
there's going to be education of products that you sell there's going to
be education of marketing there's going to be education of maybe finances
there's going to be an education of how to how to how to work with social media
and I understand that works into marketing but there's also something
very organic about it that isn't necessarily marketing that is really
just how you show up in social media that does play into marketing but it's
it's more personal than that so those are that's all education pieces
that you're going to need you're also going to need that and what we talked
about last week which is the ecosystem of services that you're going to be able
to offer your clients okay so if your goal is $100,000 next year like if you
want to have made $100,000 a year by next year then the very first things and
this is actually gonna catapult you way past a hundred thousand I'm sure but but
getting that ecosystem of services down right and if you're not sure what I'm
talking about please watch the video from last week they're also up on
YouTube but you can watch those and I don't want to go through it all again
and I want you to really get it and absorb it so make sure that you watch
that but so you would have the ecosystem of services and then you would also you
would also have that education piece okay so for the next thirty days what I
would do if I were that person and please ask
questions if you have them like personally in your own business in your
own life if you have questions about goals please put them into the chat here
so I can so I can answer them because I kind of quickly go through things and
then I would like to just address you personally if you have some questions
okay so so that being said for the next 30
days my goals if I were that person my goals would be to make sure that by the
end of that 30 days that I have my ecosystem of services down at least for
now and understand that that will be a constantly evolving thing for you don't
feel like a horse with blinders on like you're just going to set it and forget
it on your services I see a lot of people do that and then they get really
frustrated whenever they whenever they change their services or whenever they
edit it or whenever they are evolving right either as a person or as a
business they feel really bad and they go through this whole mourning period of
this thing that they thought was going to be but that's okay right are our
businesses are constantly evolving because we are our businesses and we are
constantly evolving and we can't like put a straitjacket on ourselves and just
not be able to grow because that doesn't do us any service and it definitely
doesn't do anybody that we are here to serve any service either right so make
sure that you just become okay with being fluid being fluid in your growth
and that's a being and flowing and all of the things so what I suggest is
getting that ecosystem of services down at least what it is right now okay and
when I say what it is right now that's the service that you offer right now but
then also add in the other hubs of service where people can come in to you
from different avenues or from different directions so you
don't just have the one thing even if maybe you do nails for a living or
something right so to you you're like well I do this one thing but there are
so many ways that you can market that one thing and there are so many
different types of things that you can do with it please watch the video if you
haven't already so so there is that the suite of services is one thing I would
definitely do and then the the next smart goal that I would do for the 30
days would be the education piece so what I personally do every day of the
week Monday through Friday every day of the week I take a course I take somebody
else's course I take online courses five times a week I take them in the morning
so my morning routine is drinking coffee until I'm coherent and and then I go to
the gym with my husband and we go to a spinning class and then I come home I
grab another coffee and then I come home and I put in my earbuds and I am dead to
the world for about an hour and a half while I'm taking a course I make sure
that I do that early in the day so it cannot be skipped over it cannot be just
something that you know gets put on tomorrow's to-do list and the next day
and the next day the reason why is because I'm responsible for folks in my
inner circle I'm responsible for their education right I need to know
everything about everything okay and I cannot just learn it all which I mean
I've learned a lot right until this point but if I were to just stop and say
well I'm good I would not be doing anybody any service right that's I
wouldn't be helping anybody I wouldn't be continuing to grow right things
change and they change so fast right so it's my responsibility to make sure that
the people in there have what they need and then I also have my own agency
right so I need to make sure that I'm doing what my clients need so it just it
works all the way around but I take courses every single day so what I would
suggest is to set aside time on a regular repeating pattern I'm not saying
go to town like I do because it's I I do it obviously it's it's my it's my living
to do that but if this is what you're doing for the next 30 days and you're
just doing it for 30 days in order to get that education down then make sure
that you're setting aside time and that you're getting you're learning in so you
do know what you're doing so you can build out a plan for yourself right
Vicki questions study for pre pre license test questions study for pre pre
lik tests and I feel like that's pre license test and then write my e-book so
for your 30 day goals are those your 30 day goals and Jenny never stop learning
love it yes exactly that's that is the that's the gold you guys that's the gold
I feel like whenever we stop learning or whenever we feel like we've got it I am
so scared of ever hearing that sentence from anybody I'm close to because it's
you're just you've you've now stepped into the realm of lethargy right is
lethargy no way do you say that I know how to spell it you say it but okay yes
all right so your 30-day things so study for
pre-license yes right your eBook yes writing an e-book is actually so much
easier than you could ever imagine really all it takes is sitting down and
doing it and and chipping away at it so what I do is wake up in the morning and
then think of the two things the two important things for that day that are
going to push the need on my business so my Givens are that I'm
going to go work out which is good for my business because it's good for my
body it's good for my soul it's good for everything right it's like the best
thing I could do for myself ever and then after that I do my my coursework
where I'm studying and I'm learning so those both are given so those I cannot
cheat and say well I am going to work out and do my online course today that
those are going to be the two things I'm gonna do today no Martha because those
are Givens so besides that what two things are you going to do in order to
push the needle forward in your business today or in your life or toward your
goal really so what are the two things so every day it's different for me no
day is the same so every day is different for me so I'll have you know
I'm I'm building this funnel and I'm and I'm recording this video or something
like that or I'm creating this website and then I'm writing copy for this sales
page or I'm you know those I pick two huge things and then I knock them out so
the things whenever you're writing an e-book the difficult part this is crazy
the most difficult part about writing an e-book is the amount of time that you
spend thinking about the book that you should write because the amount of time
that you spend thinking about it the book gets heavier and heavier and
heavier and it keeps becoming that thing that you didn't do and and it's it
becomes like this what is it a mountain out of a molehill right it's really not
a big deal but then it becomes this big deal
because you've put it off for so long and really all that you need to do is
every day commit an hour set your timer commit an hour to writing to just
allowing yourself to write and then the next day commit an hour to writing like
you have to have this self-discipline to say I do nothing else
but right for this next hour that's that's what you do and it'll be fun and
then you're gonna be done with it in like a week I'm not even kidding because
once you get into the flow then you're in the flow right and it just keeps
going and maybe you'll write for longer than an hour but it was the fact that
you committed to an hour that allowed that flow to happen if that makes sense
hi Amy who else has questions who else has
questions because it is 7:21 I have about nine minutes left for those of you
that just came in we're talking about we're talking about obviously setting
goals and we're talking about SMART goals and making sure that our goals
that we're creating are actually attainable and then setting a time to
get those complete so the time that we're getting those complete that we're
talking about right now would be 30 day goals which would be a short goal on our
way to our stretch goal for a year okay Tish I write and channel every day now
heck yeah hi Beth hello yeah if anybody has any
goals any questions about goals please ask because I would love to be able to
help you guys out also we have this is just some housekeeping we have lots of
stuff in the works right now oh pass I'm gonna say this I have a
facebook business page how okay is it two groups or is it best to share from
your time like oh to sharing groups okay so excuse me
Facebook business page how okay is it to share two groups or is it best to share
from your timeline groups are an interesting thing right I I am a fan
there are people that would say both they would say to do both
I am a big fan of sharing from your personal page now you have to be very
careful about doing a whole lot of business stuff from your personal page
however whenever we are from your I said from your personal page right
whenever I whenever you're sharing something that's just really important
to you something that you know is like a
conviction of yours or is a passion of yours just that you would be doing
anyway and it happens to also be a business you can share things like that
from your personal page and I think that it holds more weight when it comes from
your personal page also I mean it's shown it's shown to people
then because when it comes from your business page the algorithm on the
business page not hot not hot so if you really have to you really have to set up
Facebook ads and things like that and get a good audience for your Facebook
business page in order for people to even see that you're putting anything on
there okay so so the business page or the personal page is what I would do
real quick I'm gonna say this I was starting to say it right before she
asked but we have the the free month campaign for inner circle is ending on
Friday okay so if you wanted the free month make sure that you get in before
Friday next week if you had not gotten in before next week you are gonna so
wish that you had because next week we introduced a new tiered inner circle and
anybody that is already in the inner circle like the people that are in there
right now automatically get bumped up to the next tier automatically just for
being there so you could even be in there with your free month and you would
automatically get bumped up to the next tier and like I said there's gonna be
three tiers I'll talk about it more next week but yeah if you want to get in on
that I would definitely get in on it like if I were you if I were you
watching me right now I would be getting in on the
free month right now just out of curiosity probably because I would be
like oh I wonder what's gonna happen next week so I definitely do that let me
put in the link just real quick because I did just say it there you go you have
the link if you're curious click it so there's that okay Tish how do I reach
more people on lives okay you do lives from your business page don't you do you
do lives from your personal page at all I wait for you to answer that
I'll read Beth's while I'm waiting for that Beth is working on the foundation
is working on the foundation is education about your own business before
you start putting procedures or actions into place okay so I'm going to try to
understand that sentence is working on the foundation education about your own
business before you start putting procedures or actions so what I think
you're saying there is should you be studying about your own business before
you move forward I feel like that's the question and absolutely so I think that
that is part of the ecosystem that I was talking about because that's really what
I do is I kind of go up 30,000 feet and look down at the business and say okay
so this is what you can do this is the lay of the land for your business and
you can go here and you can go here and you can go here and you can go here and
and what you do so it's I think Gary Vee Gary Vaynerchuk calls it clouds and dirt
so you're up in the clouds and then it's like you take a nose dive right into the
dirt and then you get going and you make it happen right so that that is the very
first thing so before you start educating yourself with
how you're going to market it or writing a sales page or anything like that be
crystal stinking clear about what your offerings are going to be okay so if you
have not yet watched and this is like the fourth time I've said it so please
watch it if you haven't watched the ecosystem video make sure that you watch
that because that is going to make all of the sense in the world about what I'm
talking about right now but yeah make sure that you're clear on offering
services things like that and then start building up from there on how you're
going to market it how you're going to do all of the things yeah definitely
Beth Joe hey Joe be vulnerable share from
your personal account yes yes I love sharing from personal accounts I love
that because it's not only not only are you not high yet Joe is exactly right
not only are you not hiding behind the shroud right or the veil of ambiguity
somewhat right because you're on this business page and and and it represents
a thing that maybe you don't every day represent in your life or represent in
your life every day definitely make sure that whenever you're talking about your
business or what you do or anything that drives you right be as transparent and
vulnerable as you possibly can in your personal account because all that that's
going to do is send out the bat signal to the people that resonate right to the
people that have that same exact feeling have those same fears have those same
happy thoughts right that that do those same things like there was a post I did
today and it was it was a goofy post but it was as soon as I I was getting
serious about about typing and my bracelets were getting in the way and
I'm like oh they're coming off they're going down on the desk and then whenever
I did that I was like I wonder how many other people do that right so then I
took a picture of them and I said you know it's getting
curious when the bracelets come off and and then I there were a bunch of me two
things for that because it it is serious they do get in the way right but it's
that sort of stuff where people you can connect with people like transparency
and sometimes it feels a bit goofy and it feels a bit I don't know it just
feels a bit goofy like you're I don't know documenting your entire life like
at the very beginning maybe there's a little bit of that impostor mentality
that happens where it's like who cares that you're you know who cares about
that but kind of push through that and and keep doing it anyway because people
do care and you can connect with people and heuk you know you're a goofball it's
alright just do it hey Alyssa Beth sorry lol omit the
second is okay we're beyond the foundation education about your business
okay cool so I address that tissue just answered that lol my bed oh good Vicki I
have not done a facebook live yet oh man Vicki we have to work on that we have to
work on that not of ten no not of ten I can't remember what that's about
Vicki please look link it link what I think you're talking about linking the
the thing that I already linked I'm pretty sure Joe Vicki it's time to start
gett live and be open to your audience yeah Joe does some really good lives too
he does him in his car those are the ones that I've seen on LinkedIn Joe or
the the car lives Tish I will try them on my personal page Thanks yes
absolutely please do that Tish because that that's going to get so so much more
mileage than on your business page whenever it's it's just a thing whenever
people see a business pay and it's live now there are some reasons
to do it from your business page if you're using it as a Facebook ad
strategy so that's something that of course we talked about over in the inner
circle but you can do it from your personal page do the lives from your
personal page and get so much more mileage because lives from a business
page sometimes people just don't even listen to them depending on you know
their own perceptions I guess but life's from business pages feel a certain kind
of way you would have to have a really snappy headline or a really catchy
headline where they're like I have got to know this thing so I guess that would
be a hint or a trick is to make a headline just irresistible like that you
are answering something and you'll be ending that loop or closing that loop in
the live so maybe pose a question or say I am going to be talking about one of
the most amazing yada yada yada right and then and then say you're gonna find
out about it in this video right here and then you know close the loop or give
the solution give the the the answer to that question on the actual life make
sure you do that make sure you do honor that what you said
so okay man we have such we're so chatty tonight I love it da da da da
Joe Martha is so right I could I could listen to that every day think about
what inspires you it's about stories and being real absolutely Beth I haven't
either oh you haven't done a live either Beth
oh man we need to work on maybe we will do tell me what you think about this
guys maybe we will do a challenge like a showing up challenge in here like a
showing up challenge where we do Facebook lives and and I don't know my
idea needs to flow from there but maybe we will do a challenge in the next
couple of weeks right now I am up to my kneecaps it's stuff I need to do but I
would say in a couple of weeks I could probably do that with you guys if you
want let me know that okay um did you do Jenny yes I do that personal connection
yes and who cares what people think anymore to have too many opinions to
care about exactly Jenny that's the thing and the people that like think
that you're a goofball um that's okay right that's okay
they're not your customers they're not your clients they're not you know who
you're trying to reach out to anyway so that's totally okay and they can feel
the way that they feel that's where we all it's that's the beauty that's the
beauty of this world that we live in we all have our flavors we like hearing
from this person and we don't like hearing from that person and it's all
good it is all love Vicki ecosystem oh yes ecosystem Joe Oh link to the
ecosystem video Thank You Vicki let me let me go to the youtubes hang on just a
second you're gonna see me just staring at my screen here for a second there I
am okay there's that video share copy
all right boom pow here is the link to the ecosystems video okay that Mike
always makes these funny thumbnails for me and I always look like a goofball as
I'm talking okay Beth what if your personal page is private I would open up
your personal page I would not have a private personal page it is so difficult
to build a business especially when it's you and you are technically the brand so
difficult with a private page trust me I've been there I've tried it people
want to be able to look you up and see what you're all about so you have to you
have to do it you have to do it I totally suggest it I'm not gonna say you
know you can't be successful without it I wasn't able to find any success
without leaving my without opening up my page Harlen I'm doing my first facebook
live in October yeah I love how you have it on the calendar
we're decluttering one of my clients closets live oh that's amazing
so Carlin does a number of things but one of the things that she does is she's
a decluttering or a clutter coach really and so they're going to do a live about
decluttering one of her clients closets that's awesome
very very cool Carlin and then you'd be able to repurpose that video quite
possibly onto either a sales page or onto your website just to show people
what you do so you don't really just even use it the once right you'll be
able to reuse it tsch I am a goofball I hate you are a
goofball and I love it Jenny the removing of the bracelets I do we'll
start doing lives awesome tsch often stupid tablet oh for the for
the words got it Vicki I am behind oh don't worry
Transparency hey Katie with Facebook page we mean the
business one or your profile when we're referring to when we are talking about
the privacy settings that would definitely be your personal one
Joe Facebook private it's possible to have some private posts just can be a
big pain to do it exactly yeah you can have what I would suggest if there are
people that you want to have you know like maybe you just have a family side
of things that you don't you a they don't need to see all of your business
stuff and you really just talk about family stuff and you share photos and
and that sort of thing what I would do in that instance is I would actually
create a secret group for my family okay and then all of you can just chat in
there and share what you want to share in there and really just share with each
other and it's kind of nice because you have this this space that's only yours
right and you don't need to worry about oh my gosh who was able to see that post
in yada-yada it's all in this secret group right so that's that's what I
would suggest in that instance if you feel like there are some things like
maybe pictures of your kids and stuff like that
that you want like maybe your mom across the country to be able to see but you
don't want for everybody to be able to see it well then just start a secret
group not even a closed group because that's searchable but a secret group
where you really you just you share the URL and that's how people get into it
Katie hi guys hey Katie Katie is making something for my baby
there's going to be a reveal whenever it's done and I could not be any more
excited and I'm not saying anything to my daughter which is also completely
crazy for me because I just like oh like what I can't keep a secret I cannot keep
a secret so I've had to buy her these other things like slime and stuff just
to keep giving her toys so like I don't accidentally just vomit her new thing
all over her it's just it's a whole thing that's my struggle right now that
that's what that's what I'm having a hard time with right now oh man I am in
for lives awesome Beth is Katie making the unicorn you okay so I yes yes yes
Katie it's freaking cute I can't wait I'm like beyond like look at me I'm
beyond excited about this like so stinking excited about this so anyhoo
anywho do you guys have any other questions for this evening it is 7:41 I
kind of like this on the Wednesday night I bet it's laughing I am beyond goofy
you guys like a total ridiculous goofball well cool I'm glad that that
I'm I'm glad that the questions seem to get answered make sure that even if you
feel like because here's a thing is sometimes in the act of even trying to
set goals you get a bit overwhelmed with all the things you need to set goals for
right I can imagine people come into the inner circle and are like oh like all of
the things right it's almost it's like a third for me for a business owner you
walk in it's like you open the doors and it's just like a kid in a candy store
right where you're like oh I don't even know where to start
right so setting goals and having all the things that you want to do get very
grounded right and and think okay what has to happen next and the filter that
the what has to happen next should come through is the what makes me money right
now filter that should be the very first thing okay like the what makes me money
right now that's why services are the first thing because you can start
selling services before you even have sales pages up right that's so make sure
that that you have that sort of grounding whenever you're going into the
goals because I don't want you to like start thinking about all the goals that
you need and then just shutting down if you feel like you're getting to a
shutting down point because of all your goals please reach out please say
something here in the group let somebody talk you through it
I will try my best to talk you through it also this is something that we need
to make sure that we can all stay on task to live the life of our dreams
right which that's that's what we're here to do so that's we're all here to
help okay so please if you run into a block or something post it in here
because that's what this group is for okay Beth will be other lives with the
next steps oh yeah I can do more lives with the next steps I can do that next
week actually I can do that thank me Vicki I will do live on Friday
awesome well then I'm I'll do that challenge -
okay so I'll keep you guys updated on what I'm doing but I'll I'll be doing
the challenge as well so the the showing up challenge or the coming out challenge
maybe it'll be the coming out challenge I kind of like that or the I don't know
I'm gonna sit with it I'm gonna say okay guys well you all have a fantastic night
and I will see you next time
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